
There are many different wheelchair options. To simplify things the main 2 choices are electric wheelchairs also known as Power Chairs or Manual wheelchairs.
The electric wheelchairs are often heavy duty and usually for indoor and outdoor use. They enable the user to manoeuvre in and out of tight places unassisted. They can be custom built to suit most users and can have a host of functions including, Powered seat raisers, Tilt in Space seats, Reclining Backrests, Elevating Legrests even powered standing functions. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
The manual cheelchairs usually split between self-propelled and transit. Self-propeled wheelchairs usually have large rear wheels so the user can move around unaided but most still have the rear handles on incase the user wants to be pushed around. The transit wheelchairs usually have small front and rear wheels. These transit wheelchairs are usually for people travelling shorter distances and requiring assistance in getting around.